For most JW's, believing that a sky daddy is going to fix everything was a way to feel ok about copping out on life and not doing anything tangible in the here and now to help others. It gave them permission to feel virtuous about closing their minds and not seeking answers or asking questions anymore.
There was a mourning period once I fully let myself face the fact that I had spent my life engaged in magical thinking. They say that one should allow themselves 1 month for every year they were involved in or with the thing that they are mourning. For me that meant 50 months or 4 years would have to pass before I truly began to feel comfortable again. Little by little I was able to find peace and be emotionally strong without the world having to be perfect or by mentally resting on the the idea that most of mankind having to be destroyed in order for things to be normal.
These days, I'm simply taking a "wait and see" attitude about the "big picture". I figure that if there is a God and he/she has good things in store for mankind, there's no reason I shouldn't be a part of it as well. There's no reason that I should receive the same fate as Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Ted Bundy and all the mass murderers and the various human monsters that have walked the face of the earth, simply because I stopped attending those mind numbing meetings at the Kingdom Hall.